Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I love my buddy!

        In the sixth grade you are supposed to have first grade buddies. Lucky for us, we get to have kindergartens. Again.
        Last week me and my buddy had to write a small little story. A fable. They had to learn a lesson from it.
        My buddy's name is Harley. My fried Kayla and I have to share a buddy because our class is bigger then theirs. Harley is so... fun. She makes us "kiss the book" when we have to read. When she says "kiss" she means "let me shove it in your face over and over again!" Like I said fun...
         So back to the fable. Harley was in a very creative mood. The name of it is called Too Much Candy! Here is a copy of it.

Too Much Candy!
By Harley
One day, Maren and Kayla ate too much candy.
Maren and Kayla got sick.
Their stomach's got queazy!
Then all of the sudden they barfed on each other!
          Moral of the story: Don't be Greedy

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Art Class!

      AHHHHH! I absolutely ADORE art class! Mostly because I love art. I mean, who doesn't right? Its also one of the easiest classes.

      So, I was sitting there, listening to the art teacher, Mrs. Pendre, Talk about making pretend micro phones for our concert. When suddenly, she asked for volunteers. I had no idea what she would make us do.
      I raised my hand.
      Mrs. Pendre told the volunteers to go over to one table. I, was shivering with exitment! We walked over to the table and saw paint. At this point I almost exploded with glee.
      Then came the next part.
      We had to paint tinfoil balls! WITH OUR HANDS!
       Me and the other GIRLS sat down and got messy!

Monday, April 15, 2013

So Terrible!

      Have you heard about the sad explosion during the Boston Marathon? Apparently some idiot (sorry, its just what I think) put bombs near the finish line. When people were running by he/she set it off and it so far has killed 2 people and injured 22! Two explosions happened.
       Something that I found heroic during this experience was the people ran into the smoke to help the people that had been in there. That shocked me. Something terrible just happened and they had almost no idea what was going on. Most of them were probably strangers to them. The hero's overcame there shock and went over to help others who hadn't or still in plain shock.
       I ask myself if I would do that. I would maybe go help after some thought. Think about it. Just suddenly out of nowhere you see a large bomb and smoke go off. Would you:
A) Run away and hope to forget what happened,
B) Run into the smoke and save others right after it happened?
       If for you it is honestly B, I will buy you a doughnut. If you don't want it I will get you something else!

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