AHHHHH! I absolutely ADORE art class! Mostly because I love art. I mean, who doesn't right? Its also one of the easiest classes.
So, I was sitting there, listening to the art teacher, Mrs. Pendre, Talk about making pretend micro phones for our concert. When suddenly, she asked for volunteers. I had no idea what she would make us do.
I raised my hand.
Mrs. Pendre told the volunteers to go over to one table. I, was shivering with exitment! We walked over to the table and saw paint. At this point I almost exploded with glee.
Then came the next part.
We had to paint tinfoil balls! WITH OUR HANDS!
Me and the other GIRLS sat down and got messy!
Now your hands will be black for a long time. Yikes!! Looks like fun though.